
Fecha/Hora Evento
13:00 - 14:00
Nos vemos a la una (cuarto trimestre)
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
13:00 - 14:00
Nos vemos a la una, 22 de febrero de 2024
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
15/04/2024 - 16/04/2024
16:00 - 14:30
Una visión practica de la mediación familiar desde la experiencia
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Málaga, Paseo de la Farola S/N Málaga
13:00 - 14:00
Nos vemos a la una (segundo trimestre 2024)
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
16/05/2024 - 17/05/2024
16:00 - 14:30
Igualdad, inclusión y diversidad: buenas prácticas y estrategias efectivas para la Mediación.
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
2 3 4 5 6 7

0 ){ // old templates - soon to be deprecated if( status == 'on' ){ wrapper.css('background-image', wrapper.css('background-image').replace('search-geo.png', 'search-geo-on.png').replace('search-geo-off.png', 'search-geo-on.png')); em_search.find('select.em-search-country option:first-child').prop('selected','selected').trigger('change'); em_search.find('.em-search-location').slideUp(); em_search.find('.em-search-geo-units').slideDown(); }else{ if( status == 'off' ){ wrapper.css('background-image', wrapper.css('background-image').replace('search-geo.png', 'search-geo-off.png').replace('search-geo-on.png', 'search-geo-off.png')); }else{ wrapper.css('background-image', wrapper.css('background-image').replace('search-geo-off.png', 'search-geo.png').replace('search-geo-on.png', 'search-geo.png')); } let current_value = geo_coords.val(); geo_coords.val(''); if( current_value !== geo_coords.val() ){ geo_coords.trigger('change'); } em_search.find('.em-search-location').slideDown(); em_search.find('.em-search-geo-units').slideUp(); } }else{ // new templates em_search = wrapper.closest('.em-search, .em-search-advanced'); if( status === 'on' ){ input.addClass('on').removeClass('off'); em_search.find('select.em-search-country option:first-child').prop('selected','selected').trigger('change'); em_search.find('.em-search-location').slideUp(); em_search.find('.em-search-geo-units').slideDown(); }else{ if( status === 'off' ){ input.addClass('off').removeClass('on'); }else{ input.removeClass('off').removeClass('on'); } let current_value = geo_coords.val(); geo_coords.val(''); if( current_value !== geo_coords.val() ){ geo_coords.trigger('change'); } em_search.find('.em-search-location').slideDown(); em_search.find('.em-search-geo-units').slideUp(); } } }; var ac_listener = function (place) { var place = autocomplete.getPlace(); if (!place || !place.geometry) { //place not found if (input.val() == '' || input.val() == EM.geo_placeholder) { geo_field_status(false); } else { if (wrapper.data('last-search') == input.val()) { geo_field_status('on'); let current_value = geo_coords.val(); geo_coords.val(wrapper.data('last-coords')); if( current_value !== geo_coords.val() ){ geo_coords.trigger('change'); } return; } //do a nearest match suggestion as last resort if (input.val().length >= 2) { geo_field_status(false); autocompleteService = new google.maps.places.AutocompleteService(); autocompleteService.getPlacePredictions({ 'input': input.val(), 'offset': input.val().length }, function listentoresult(list, status) { if (list != null && list.length != 0) { placesService = new google.maps.places.PlacesService(document.getElementById('em-search-geo-attr')); placesService.getDetails({'reference': list[0].reference}, function detailsresult(detailsResult, placesServiceStatus) { //we have a match, ask the user wrapper.data('last-search', detailsResult.formatted_address); wrapper.data('last-coords', detailsResult.geometry.location.lat() + ',' + detailsResult.geometry.location.lng()); if (input.val() == detailsResult.formatted_address || confirm(EM.geo_alert_guess.replace('%s', '"' + detailsResult.formatted_address + '"'))) { geo_field_status('on'); let current_value = geo_coords.val(); geo_coords.val(detailsResult.geometry.location.lat() + ',' + detailsResult.geometry.location.lng()); if( current_value !== geo_coords.val() ){ geo_coords.trigger('change'); } input.val(detailsResult.formatted_address); } else { input.data('last-key', false); geo_field_status('off'); } }); } else { geo_field_status('off'); } }); } else { geo_field_status('off'); } } wrapper.data('last-search', input.val()); wrapper.data('last-coords', geo_coords.val()); return; } geo_field_status('on'); let current_value = geo_coords.val(); geo_coords.val(place.geometry.location.lat() + ',' + place.geometry.location.lng()); if( current_value !== geo_coords.val() ){ geo_coords.trigger('change'); } wrapper.data('last-search', input.val()); wrapper.data('last-coords', geo_coords.val()); }; google.maps.event.addListener(autocomplete, 'place_changed', ac_listener); if (geo_coords.val() != '') { geo_field_status('on'); wrapper.data('last-search', input.val()); wrapper.data('last-coords', geo_coords.val()); } input.on('keydown', function (e) { //if enter is pressed once during 'near' input, don't do anything so Google can select location, otherwise let behavior (form submittal) proceed if (e.which == 13) { if (this.getAttribute('data-last-key') != 13 || wrapper.data('status') != 'on') { e.preventDefault(); } } else if( e.which == 8 && this.classList.contains('on') ){ // clear a valid search and start again this.value = ''; geo_field_status(false); } this.setAttribute('data-last-key', e.which); }).on('keypress', function(e){ if( e.which !== 13 && this.classList.contains('on') ){ // clear a valid search and start again this.value = ''; } }).on('input', function(e){ if (this.value == '') { geo_field_status(false); } else if (wrapper.data('last-search') != this.value) { geo_field_status('off'); } }).on('click', function(){ const end = this.value.length; this.setSelectionRange(end, end); this.focus(); }); }); });
Search Results View Type
Fecha/Hora Evento
13:00 - 14:00
Nos vemos a la una (cuarto trimestre)
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
13:00 - 14:00
Nos vemos a la una, 22 de febrero de 2024
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
15/04/2024 - 16/04/2024
16:00 - 14:30
Una visión practica de la mediación familiar desde la experiencia
Ilustre Colegio de Abogados de Málaga, Paseo de la Farola S/N Málaga
13:00 - 14:00
Nos vemos a la una (segundo trimestre 2024)
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
16/05/2024 - 17/05/2024
16:00 - 14:30
Igualdad, inclusión y diversidad: buenas prácticas y estrategias efectivas para la Mediación.
Colegio Abogados Málaga, Málaga
2 3 4 5 6 7